Thursday, April 7, 2011

Chiefs of Police - Chapter 2

No visit by senior officials to Afghanistan would be complete without an official dinner at the Embassy. Of course I was more than happy to oblige.....

I held the dinner on the CoP first night in Kabul and it turned out quite well, even if I do say so myself. One of the things I enjoy about being at the Embassy is that all of us here are like one big happy family. Everyone will pitch in to assist with each others programs. We had great help from all our colleauges at the Embassy, even though they are not part of our program. Everything from printing out the menus, setting up the tables, moving the food, etc. was all done by folks helping out.

The dinner was really the only oppourtunity the members in Kabul had to all get together as a group. As there are only three of us that work at the Embassy, it was quite a logistical feat to get everyone over from their various locations within Kabul. Not something we can do very often, so is was a nice evening of simply getting together to meet the CoP, socialize and share experiences with them.

I started the visit with the CoP in Kabul for a couple of days and then we made our way down south. The group picture represents about half the members we have in country. The remainder are stationed throughout the city and province of Khandahar...


  1. Dave,

    Thanks for sharing the pictures and your thoughts.I sure look forward to giving you a big hug next week when I travel over to Dubais.

    Love you

  2. One thing about being there Son, you will have made friendships that will last a lifetime. Something about being together in a different situation does that........

  3. Dude - You are soooo qualified to be Jen's "Wedding Planner"...

  4. That is so right, that is one fantastic dinner, however maybe you had better not give up your day job yet..............

  5. Nicely done Dave. Printing and all. Good to see everyone dressing up for the dinner. Hope your handy man was not on duty in the kitchen.

    My beloved has been reading my blogs and she tells me that things are getting a little boring for her.

    I thought about it, and the bottom lip was definately pointing downwards. I feel like an apology is in order.

    The boys are on school holidays now. Over the dinner table I asked them what they had done for the last day of school for the term. History class was spent watching Indiana Jones. Can you believe that, they are at school watching old movies. They only had 70 minutes of the show, so we need to hire the movie for them to see the rest of it. They were unaware that there are 4 Indiana Jones movies, so far we have hired and viewed 2 of them, and neither of them was from the school movie, so we will have to keep trying next week.

    I am playing golf tomorrow, so maybe my next blog will have something humourous for my beloved to read.

